Saturday 14 February 2009


Here is a very interesting item from The Telegraph which gave me, a Tetris lover, considerable food for thought.


Playing the video game "Tetris" after a major shock could reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, claim scientists.

British researchers found that playing the popular computer game shortly after the trauma helped wipe out the bad memories and reduce distressing flashbacks.

The psychologists from Oxford University believe the discovery could lead to new treatments for accident victims in hospitals as well as those involved in war zones.

"This is only a first step in showing that this might be a viable approach to preventing post traumatic stress disorder,' said Dr Emily Holmes of the Department of Psychiatry at Oxford University, who led the work.

"This was a pure science experiment about how the mind works from which we can try to understand the bigger picture.

"There is a lot to be done to translate this experimental science result into a potential treatment." (Read more.....)

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